Dear friends,
the season to be grateful - but when isn’t there a time to be grateful? As I write this reflection we are celebrating Thanksgiving. What a powerful national holiday to remind us of the need to be thankful. How many of us gather, enjoy traditional foods, and ponder our roots by sharing stories? Often these family reflections are about members who are no longer alive, but recalling their roots continues to give us new life and reasons for which we are grateful.
Speaking of roots, the fall bulbs planted in our Grotto are becoming comfortable with the rain, cold and coming snow. Gardening, too, is a lesson in life. Seeds or bulbs need lots of care from their beginning and throughout their life to grow their best. When one thinks of the cycle of planting, watering, weeding, sunshine, rain and pruning, one can relate to the cycle of growth and death.
The liturgical readings during Advent often speak of death and destruction as we await the readings of the joys of the coming of the Christ Child. And St. Benedict reminds us to keep death daily before our eyes.
Here at Sacred Heart Monastery and Villa St. Benedict, we experience death somewhat frequently. It gives us a touching opportunity to witness a caring spouse or family member tending to the needs of their dying family member. This summer, I had the opportunity of being physically present to my dying brother,Tom. Our family was immersed in the life, death and Resurrection cycle of our family roots.
Advent also provides a time to grow deeper in our awareness of our religious roots. At our Monastery, we add to our prayer the rituals of celebrating our roots as we dress our Jesse tree with ornaments depicting stories of our ancestors and proclaiming the Messiah by singing the O Antiphons: O Wisdom, Adonai, Root of Jesse, Key of David, Daystar, King of Kings and Emmanuel - which means God is with us … the “Word became flesh and dwells among us.”
Amidst the many traditions and events of your Christmas, my prayer is that you and I would be grateful for our ancestors, especially the Word made flesh Who dwells among us, loves us and wants us to be His presence as we continue His work of building the Kingdom He created.
Merry Christmas and a blessed hope-filled New Year!
Sister Mary Bratrsovsky, OSB
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